Memberships of the Professional Bodies
International;1. Member, IUFRO (International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, Austria)- 15000 members from110 countries
a. Chair/Coordinator, IUFRO Working Party 8.02.04) on Ecology of Alien Invasive Species (2005-2010-2015)
b. Chair/Coordinator, IUFRO Working Party 4.02.02 on Multipurpose Inventories (Term:2000-2005-2010-2015)
2. Member, Ecological Society of America
Accredited as Certified Sr. Ecologist (highest global accreditation) for 2005-2010, 2010-2015, 2015- till date.
3 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRS-C), London – 2023
4 Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, (FRS-B), London -2023
5 Elected Member of the Executive Council of the International Union of Biological Sciences (France) (2023-26.)
1. Fellow, Life member & Gen Secretary (since 1994) Dayanand National Academy of Environmental Sciences, Chandigarh
2. Vice-President (since1997), Former Sec. (1991-2007) & Life member, Society of Environmental Scientists, New Delhi
3. Life member and Former Member Executive Committee of the Punjab Academy of Sciences
4. Life, founder and Former Member of the Governing body of the Indian Society of Tree Scientists
5. Life member of the International Society of Environmental Botanists, NBRI Lucknow
6. Life member Society of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi
7. Life member of the Indian Botanical Society, Meerut
8. Member of Research Board/Academic Bodies of Kashmir University, Srinagar, KU, Kurukshetra, MDU, Rohtak, NE Hill University, Shillong, GNDU, Amritsar, Bundelkhand University, Bareilly and Sorlini University, Solan HP
National and Regional Peer Recognition
1. Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) for the implementation of the National Mission of Himalayan Studies (NMHS) of the Ministry of Environment Forests & Climate Change, GoI. For 2 terms of 3 years each.
2. Chairman of the Thematic Expert Sub-committee for NMHS Themes: Biodiversity Conservation & Management; and Handling of Waste) of National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS)-2024
3. Member, Expert Group Conservation and Management of Natural Resources” 2008-2011, of MoEF, New Delhi
4. Member, Programme Advisory Committees (PACs) in Life Sciences under SERB of DST, New Delhi
5. Member, Plant Science Research Committee of CSIR, New Delhi 2015-18.
6. Permanent Member, Technical Advisory Committee, Centre of Plant Biotechnology, Haryana
7. Chairman Committee on R & D Projects of Haryana State Council for Science and Technology
8. Member, Board of Directors of NIMBUA Greenfields (Pb) Ltd for Hazardous Waste Management for Punjab & Chd.
9. Member of the Jury for scientific competitions for Haryana, Punjab and UT Chandigarh
10. Served as Consultant for Himachal Pradesh High Court, Shimla for Environmental Problems due to stone Crushers
11. For several years, had been the Science Quiz master & Organizer for the State of Haryana and UT Chandigarh