Research Guided
Research Guided
List of Ph.D. Theses supervised by Professor R. K. Kohli (as major guide)
S# Name Year Title of the Thesis (Panjab University)
1. Kushal Bala 1987 Physiological and biochemical aspects of teletoxicity and eradication of Lantana camara
2. Anita Kumari 1988 Physiological and biochemical aspects of allelopathy of Parthenium hysterophorus L. and role of herbicide towards its eradication
3. Daizy Rani 1990 Phytotoxic properties of Parthenium hysterophorus L.
4. Rajinder Kumar 1991 Studies on Autotoxicity in Lantana camara L.
5. Daljit Singh 1991 Phytotoxic properties of Eucalyptus with special reference to the role of its volatile components.
6. *Krishan Singh 1991 Weed Management through Allelopathy
7. Ravinder Sachdeva 1992 Allelopathic influence of Lantana camara L. on herbaceous plants.
8. Pariana 1992 Allelopathic properties of Sunflower.
9. Harminder PSingh 1995 Phytotoxic effect of Populus in Natural and Agroecosystems.
10.Rajesh Jalota 1997 Comparison of Eco-Physiological Functions of Monoculture Plantations of Exotic (Eucalyptus L Herit.) to Indigenous tree species and Forest Ecosystems in Semi-Arid Zone.
11. Puneet Kalia 1998 Ageratum conyzoides caused threat to Plant Diversity
12. Vandana Arora 1999 Comparative Assessment of eco-physiological functions between Ageratum conyzoides and Parthenium hysterophorus L.
13. **Kamal Sangha 1999 Bio-Economics of Eucalyptus tereticornis (an exotic) and Dalbergia sissoo (native tree) Plantations
14. Sunit K Gupta 2000 Phytotoxic interaction among Exotic and Indigenous Multipurpose Trees and Crops
16. ***Neelam Khan 2002 Metabolic drifts during seed germination and subsequent growth in Pisum sativum L and Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth
15 Aruna Saini 2003 Eco-Physiological Studies on the Dominant Trees of Panjab UniversitY Campus
17 Ajay Sehgal 2003 Impact of Engineering Interventions on Soil Management taking Vegetational Analysis as the Basic Indicator
18. Hisam Ramazani 2004 Fungicidal activity of Volatile oils from Eucalyptus citriodora Hook
19. Jasvir Kaur 2004 Management of Parthenium hysterophorus residues and their impact on its interference potential
20 Shalinder Kaur 2005 Phytotoxic Interference of Ageratum conyzoides with some crop plants
21 Supriya Vaid 2005 Weed suppressing potential of some volatile terpenes
22. Nidhi Setia, 2006 Herbicidal potential of volatile oils from Eucalyptus citriodora Hook.
23. Surender Yadav 2006 Ecological Status of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Haryana State
24. Kavita 2006 Nature and Dynamics of Interference Potential of Lantana camara L. Var. Aculeata Moldenke
25. K. Lavanya 2007 Allelopathic Interference of Chenopodium murale L with some Crop Plants
26. Kuldip S. Dogra 2007 Impact of some invasive species on the structure and composition of natural vegetation of Himachal Pradesh”
27 Komal Arora 2008 Allelopathic Potential of Volatile Essential oil from Tagetis minuta L
28. Sunil Mittal 2009 Phytotoxic Properties of Essential oil from Artemisia scoparia Waldst.& Kit. and Its Possible Use as Bioherbicide
29. Parveen Dobhal 2009 Ecological Audit on of invasive weed Lantana camara L. along an altitudinal gradient in Pauri Garhwal (Uttranchal)
30. Manpreet Kaur 2009 Allelopathic Properties of Anisomemes indica (L) O. Kuntze Against some weeds
31. V.P. Sharma 2010 Impact of Cell-phone Radiation on Early Growth and Development in Biological systems
32. Mukta Chum 2011 Phytotoxic effect of 2-Benzoxazolinone and its Structurally Modified Derivatives
33. Gurpreet Kaur 2011 Physiological and Biochemical Aspects of Lead Toxicity in Higher Plants
34. Nadia Chowhan 2012 Phytotoxicity of β-Pinene and Some Insights into Its Biochemical Mode of Action
35. Esmaeil Hadidi 2013 Determination of Phytotoxic Potential of Chenopodium ambrosioides L.and its Possible Use in Sustainable Weed Management
36. Savita Kumari 2013 An Ecological and Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Trikuta Hills (District Reasi, Jammu & Kashmir) and Evaluation of Their Free Radical Scavenging Properties
37. Amanpreet Kaur 2014 Genetically modified Crops: Ecological and Legal Aspects of Indian Policy with Global Overview
38. Asha Negi 2014 Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Nickel-Induced Toxicity in Higher Plants.
39. Priyanka Mahajan 2014 Investigating the role of β-pinene in alleviating the Phytotoxic effect of Hexavalent Chromium [Cr (VI)]
40. Sartaj Singh 2015 Chemical Characterization and Antioxidant Activity of Some of the Widely Occurring Members of Family Lamiaceae in Morni Hills (Panchkula)
41. Nitina Ahuja 2015 An assessment of the herbicidal potential of Eugenol and some insights into its mode of action
42. Himangana Gupta 2015 Gaps and linkages between climate change and biodiversity conventions: Science Politics and Policy.
43. Jyoti 2015 Effect of Cell-phone Frequency Electromagnetic Radiations on early Development of Chick and Brain of Rat
44 Arvind Kumar 2016 Impact of Cellphone (emf) Radiations on Plant Growth and Development
45. Nidhi Sharma 2016 Determination of Physiological and Biochemical Mode of action of L-DOPA ,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) a Natural Compound of Herbicidal Interest.
46. Aditi Shreeya Bali 2016 Chemical characterization and investigation of allelopathic potential of essential oil of Callistemon viminalis Gaertn. G. Don
47. Surubhi Rana 2016 Investigation of the ameliorating potential of two oxygenated monoterpenes against the phytotoxic effects of divalent cadmium CD (II)
48. Neelkant Sharma 2017 Exploring the Allelopathic Properties of Pinus roxburghii (Sargent)
49. Anjana Negi 2017 Exploring the Role of Plants Functional Traits and Allelopathy in Imparting Invasive Potential to Broussonatia papyrifera (L) Vent.
50. Anu Sharma 2017 An ecological assessment of some underutilized edible plants of urban and rural areas of Chandigarh and determination of their antioxidant potential
51. Anita Sharma 2018 investigating the allelopathic potential of Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit-an Invasive alien weed.
52. Saroj K. Fagodia 2018 Investigation of the herbicidal activity of formulations based on essential oil from Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle and some leachable allelochemicals
53. Sangeeta Sharma 2019 Role of Nitric Oxide in regulating the rooting of hypocotyls of Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek
54. Shikha Chandel 2021 Effect of 2100 MHz and 2350 MHz Electromagnetic Field Radiations on the Growth and Biochemical Aspects in Plants
* as a guide appointed by Meerut University, Meerut
** Thesis submitted but viva-voce yet to be held; delay is because the candidate has gone abroad
***as a guide appointed by Punjabi University, Patiala
Dr Agena A. Tanga, College Dean, Hawassa University from Ethiopia under prestigious CV Raman International Fellowship Programme of Govt. of India is working under the guidance
Under the INSA-IAS-NASI joint programme of Govt. of India, 4 young scientists got research training in my lab.
List of M. Phil Students Guided by Dr. R.K. Kohli
Sr# Name Year Title of Thesis
1. Kushal Bala 1982 Physiological and biochemical studies on seed dormancy and germination
2. Sunil K. Aggarwal 1982 Mechanism of Herbicidal action -Biochemical consideration
3. Anita Kumari 1982 Physiological and biochemical studies on seed dormancy and germination
4. Meenu Verma 1983 Biochemistry of herbicidal action in Amaranthus spinosus L.
5. Bimlendra Kumari 1984 Physiological and biochemical effects of herbicides on rooting of stem cuttings of Lantana camara L.
6. Nirmal K Spall K 1984 Physiological and biochemical studies on the effect of herbicides on floral initiation in Lantana camara L. var. Hybrida Moldenke.
7. Indu Mahajan 1985 Allelopathic potential of Parthenium hysterophorus L. on the physiology and biochemistry of Vigna mungo seed germinability.
8. Jasvir Kaur 1985 Allelopathic potential of Lantana camara L. var. aculeata moldenke on the physiology and biochemistry of Vigna Mungo seed germinability
9. Kamaljit Kaur 1986 Allelopathic effect of Eucalyptus globulus Labill extracts on seed germination.
10. Parveen Chaudhary 1986 Alleopathic potential of Eucalyptus globules Labill leaves.
11. Renu 1987 Studies on the alleopathic properties of essential oils of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm.
12. Vanita 1987 Studies on the allelopathic properties of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. extracts on seed germination.
13. Daljit Singh 1988 Role of volatile components of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. leaves toward allelopathic property of the tree
14. Seema Bedi 1989 Comparison of allelopathic potential of the root and shoot system of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm.
15. Narinder 1989 Studies on Allelopathic potential of Helianthus annuus L.
16. Ashima 1990 Allelopathic impact of sunflower on some crops.
17. Anupama Malhan 1990 Allelopathic potential of sunflower on Parthenium hysterophorus L
18. Rubinder Sandhu 1991 Allelopathic effects of sunflower on regional weeds.
19. Rishu 1992 Allelopathic effect of sunflower on Amaranthus.
20. Roma Batra 1995 Studies on Biochemical Interactions among plants.
21 Monika Gupta 1996 Impact of Volatile and non-volatile allelochemics on Ageratum conyzoides L.
22. Parnesh Pal Kaur 1998 Phytotoxic Properties of Artemisia scoparia
23. Puneet Kaur Brar 1999 Bioefficacy of Some Natural Plant Products
24. Jasvir Kaur 2000 Allelopathic Interference of Pinus roxburgii SARG
25 Anjana Kharwal 2002 Study of Phenology and Autecology of Bidens pilosa L.
26. Mr Anurag 2006 Ecological Status of Weeds of Panjab University Campus, Sector 14, Chandigarh
27 Ms. Mansi 2008 Value Addition to Parthenium hysterophprus through Vermitechnology
28 Ms Nitina Ahuja 2009 Evaluation of Biochemical Mode of Action of Eugenol caused Root Inhibitory Effect
29.Ms Priyanka Monga 2012 Phytotoxic Effects Of Essential Oil of Pinus roxburghii (Sargent) (Result awaited)