Research Contributions
Research Contributions
Research Supervision as Guide: (83) 54 Ph. D. + 29 M. Phil theses in Ecology, Environment & Forestry - Awarded
Research Contributions:
Patents: 3 (awarded 2, in progress 1)
a) Biotechnological degradation of hair and feathers (896/DEL/04 dated 18-5-2004)- Granted on 8-4-2008
b) Preparation of organic fertilizer from Parthenium hysterophorus(897/DEL/04,dt18-5-2004)-Granted 8-4-08
c) Isolation of Parthenin from Parthenium hysterophorus as potential herbicide (1201/DEL/04 dt11-5-2005)
Quality Publications Research papers:Over 365 + about 200 abstracts
As per SCOPUS: Papers listed in Impact Factor Journals ; 204; Citations : 9509 ; h-Index: 52 (highest in university)
As per Web of Science: Papers listed in Impact Factor Journals ; 183; Citations : 5335; h-Index: 42
As per Google scholar : Papers listed ; 387; Citations : 17535 h-index: 67;   i10 : 205
365 full original research papers in SCI journals (over 75% from abroad) with profuse citations
7 Scientific Invited Reviews (6 from USA, UK, Japan and 1 from India)
78 Book Chapters& Research Articles(majority published abroad)
17 project reports
19Scientific Articles
Books Published: 17
Authored: 5; (including 1 text book prescribed and translated into Hindi and Punjabi by Panjab University)
Edited: 13 (5 Published in USA top rank publishers;1 in UK (CABI) and 6 Published in India)
Research Leadership at International Level:
Chair/Coordinator, IUFRO Working Party on Invasive Ecology (2006-15) and Multipurpose Inventories (2000-2010)
Held SAARC Chair in Bangladesh for guiding research and training in Ecology (2007-08)
Adjunct Professor of Chinese Academy of Sciences for 2 years (2006 -2008) for research guidance
Chaired technical session meetings abroad & delivered invited/keynote lectures several times
Member, International Jury for Albert Einstein Award for World Cultural Council Mexico (since 1999).
Member, Editorial Boards from time to timeof following International Scientific Journals:
Journal of Crop Improvement, Taylor & Francis, NY, USA
World Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, USA
Asian Ecology Section of the journal of ESA committee, USA
Journal of Plant Archives, India
Indian Journal of Tree Sciences
Peer-reviewerof a number of international journals including :
Weed Technology (USA),
b. Weed Science (USA)
Weed Research (UK),
Annals of Applied Biology (UK),
Journal of Applied Sciences (USA)
Journal of Environmental Biology (SCI India),
Journal of Biological Sciences (USA), ,
African Journal of Agricultural Research (Africa)
i. Canadian Journal of Plant Sciences
Biological Invasion (USA)
Journal of Chemical Ecology, (USA)
Journal of Medicinal Plant Research
Organized international meets/symposia in India, Kyoto, Japan and Brisbane, Australia, apart from several national meets
Research Team Recognition
The research team being lead by Dr Kohli is credited with many awards, including the following:
“National Young Scientist Gold Medal Award” in Forestry, 1988
“Young Scientist Award”, 2001 by Punjab Academy of Science (Patiala)
“Rajib Goyal National Young Scientist Award” of Rs 50,000/- Kurukshetra for 2002
Asian Pacific Weed Science Society “Young Researcher Award” USD500/= in weed science (conferred in Manila, 2003
“National Young Researcher Award” 2005 of Rs 5000/= of Dalela Educational Foundation, Acad of Enviro Biology
“Junior Scientist Award” (2005), National Environment Science Academy, New Delhi
Indian Science Congress “Young Scientist Award” for Best Paper, 2004
Twice “Dr. K.K. Nanda Gold Medal” for Best Ph.D Thesis in Plant Sciences by Panjab University, Chd.
Environmentalist of the Year Award by National Environment Science Academy, New Delhi